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Catastrophic stroke --  ataxic (unable to maintain balance) and aphasic (slurred and impaired speech.)

Photo', far left -- 2 days post stroke May 5, 2007, Photo', right, Nick' comatose but off vent' March 4, 2007

Nick hovered in a coma for  five weeks in San Diego Children's Hospital. When he eventually awoke, he was unable to talk or walk. Was Nick's life "over" in a normal sense? His parents refused to believe so and their research led them to hard-chamber hyperbarics.  Nevertheless, the  pediatric neurologists at the hospital were not experienced in the use of HBOT for strokes and were reluctant to write the needed prescription for 'Nick to commence treatments.

However, the Hospital's pediatric rehabilitation specialist was familiar with the benefits of HBOT on stroke patients and strongly encouraged the family to find a center to treat 'Nick. The specialist physician happily wrote the prescription. Next, the North Carolina Children's Charity "Gracie's Hope" also stepped in as angels and granted the family enough for 100 HBOT treatments.





Photo', far left, First visit for HBOT, November 21, 2007


Photo', middle, Nick' and a happy Mom, HBOT Tx. 27, January  2, 2008


Photo' right,  with a happy Dad. HBOT Tx 47  February 21, 2008


After  25 HBOT Tx. Nick was able to stand. His speech improved. By 45 HBOT Tx. Nick is now graduating from wheel-chair-walking frame and is now using forearm crutches. Nick has enrolled in High School and will attend like any other student his age.  Apart from the subjective observations of his parents and the San Diego Healing Chambers staff, Nick's  progress can be clearly seen by using "Archimedes  expanding-circle" graphs.







stay tuned to this page -- more progress to come!









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This entire web-site’s content is copyrighted –  All rights reserved by Hyperbaric O2 Centers, Inc. 2007.






Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is routinely used internationally as an ADJUNCTIVE  TREATMENT or COMPLIMENTARY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL (CAM) medical response to the following ailments and trauma:. Lymes Disease, Complimentary alternative medicine, Chronic illness, stroke, autism, pain, chronic pain, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy may help cure , control or stabilize problems associated with . . . Stroke, Crush Injury, Macular Degeneration Vascular Dementia, Autism, Thermal Burns, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Chronic Fatigue, Surgical Trauma, Swelling, Inflammation, Edema, Vascular Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fast Plastic Surgery Healing, Silicon Poisoning, Severe Anemia, Bone Disease, Healing Bones, Osteoporosis, Migraines, Epilepsy, Pediatric Seizure Disorders, Gulf War Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Diabetic Wounds, Diabetic Maintenance, Infectious Disease, Complimentary Alternative Medicine, Rapid Sports Healing, Toxic Mold Infections, Head Injuries, Spinal Injuries, Breast Surgery, Tummy Tuck Surgery, Chronic Ill Health, Chemical Sensitivity, Smoke Inhalation, Delayed Smoke Poisoning, Chronic Back Pain, Chronic joint inflammation, Off-Label Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen by Physicians, Renauds, Disease, Near Drowning, Asphyxia, Heavy Metal Poisoning, Industrial Poisoning, Cerebral Edema, non-specific lung problems, Obstructive Jaundice, Liver Disease, Heart Problems, Facial Actinomycosis, General Surgey Infections, Problem Wounds, Malignant Neoplasms, Sking Grafta Spinal Cord Neuropathy, Management of Problems of Aging, Bells Palsy, Post-Operative Brain Tumor, Myelitis, Post-Operative Cosmetic Surgery, Acoustic Deafness, Optic Atrophy Periodontal Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, Shingles, Hepatic Problems. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy, Shingles, Peptic Ulcer.












This page was last updated on 08/24/10.

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